Aqua Boracay is a luxurious hotel located in Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan and PPEMC’s one of the biggest clients. On November 16, 2019, PPEMC aided Aqua Boracay on resolving their electrical issues regarding their standby generators sets. The problems that occurred in the system are; damaged power meter due to lose connection; the standby generator sets do not synchronize accurately during the onload state; while synchronization one generator is resulting into engine hunting; lastly, there is a huge amount of circulating current that exists within the system. Our Engineering team solved theses issues by; replacing a new power meter in the synchronization panel; eliminated engine hunting by configuring both generators using the DSE and BE2000E software; lastly, the installation of Droop Current Transformer in the AVRs of the generators helped by eliminating the circulating current that was flowing inside the system.

After a successful work on their power supply, Power Plus preserved Aqua Boracay beautiful, colorful and lighted.